Book of Acts : The Church is Born
The Acts of Jesus and the Holy Spirit
See, How They Love One Another
Healing of a Lame Man
As the Church Continues to Grow...
4 Signs of Authentic Christianity
The Love that Change Me
If God Is in It, It will not Fail
Gospel Movement
Conversion Scene
Taking Off the Dragon
The Christians of Antioch
Mission springs from worship; Mission flows back into worship
You Can’t Add to It Today
When Godly People Disagree: Lessons from Acts 15
A Cloth-Dealer, a Slavegirl, and a Jailer
How to Connect to Non-Believers Today
A Grace Disguised
Who Are You?
Without _____, what GOOD am I?
Giving & Loving, Living Christ
Chris in the Old Testament
Jesus, the Lamb of God
Look and Live!
Not just a savior but the Eternal King
Changing from the Inside out
… but God
Gospel of John :
7 signs in John's Gospel
The First Sign: The Change has Begun
What is your Bethesda?
Jesus Christ, Sent by God
Experiencing God
Come and See, Go and Tell!
GOD Speaks!
Are You Listening?
Got Hopes?
Can you see my Faith?
Living in the Truth
A Life of Experiencing God, Once More
The Gospel of Luke : Jesus among the marginalized
Gospel for the Marginalized
Without conviction, there can be no conversion
The suffering must come first, then the glory
The miracle that happens when Jesus is more than enough
Lucky Are the Unlucky
Where is Your Faith?
Those Who Truly Believe will Follow Chris
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose
How much more do you and I need to pray!
1 John :
Let's love one another
How close are you to Jesus?
What would keep us from sinning?
How does a Christian full of grace view the world
Whoever Takes the Son Gets it All
Growing in Grace
Let Love Lead
We Love because He First Loved You
It's All of Christ. It is all of Grace.
The Christian is the one who is believing
Walking in Truth and love
The Crossroads Between Hospitality and Coldness
The Christian is the one who is believing
GENESIS : the Gospel in Genesis
지체하지 않으시는 하나님
죄는 사람이 만든 것으로 가릴 수 있는 것이 아닙니다
저주의 진을 파할 수 있는 능력은 오직 예수님의 십자가뿐입니다
회개하면 주님은 우리를 한 번 더 긍휼히 여기실 것입니다
누구와 가는지는 분명히 아는 삶! 복된 삶!
어떻게 우리들의 믿음을 보여줄 수 있겠습니까?
나의 방패, 나의 크신 상급, 나의 하나님
샘은 가까운 곳에 있다
나는 하나님을 신뢰합니다
주님이 내 안에 계심이 다투지 않음으로 나타납니다
나는 너의 하나님이라
내가 가는 길에서 나와 함께 하신 하나님
기적 같은 삶 살게 되는 기적
ROMANS : Jesus Christ is the Power of God to Salvation
십자가, 모든 믿는 자를 구원하시는 하나님의 능력
우리 모두 복음이 필요합니다
판단하는 죄가 더 악합니다
세례: 예수님과 함께 죽고 함께 사는 나
신앙생활의 기준은 열심이 아니라 사랑입니다
죄인을 위한 것
그러나 이제는 진노 아래에서 은혜 아래로
믿음을 통하여 의롭다 하시는 하나님
삶 속에 나타나는 십자가 복음의 능력
아담이 전가시킨 죄성; 그리스도께서 전가시킨 의
순종 위에 부어 주시는 하나님의 은혜가 있습니다
나는 하나님의 사랑받는 자녀입니다
시험에 무너질 때 나를 건져 주신 예수님을 바라보라!
놀라운 성령의 사람이 되어야 합니다.
Restoration is coming
God files for divorce
Jeremiah Has Found None But We Have
Boast in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
The key is Obedience not Success
Changing from inside out
Is Christ Your Lord?
Walking with Jesus
Yes, In Christ People Do Change
Love One Another
Our Greatest joy is from Christ, not from performance.
The Peace that Makes People Wonder
Patience: Wait for the Lord who is perfect and never late
Kindness: Put Down the Stones at my hand
Believing in Jesus Makes People Good
Everyday Faithfulness to the End
Meekness is following the command of Christ
Self-Control: My Kingdom Done!
We say 'No'... God says 'Yes!'
Christ our Passover Lamb
Believers are Overcomers
My God Can Do Anything
To Worship is to Enjoy God
Following the King of Kings
The Kingdom of Heaven is a Treasure
It is to Christ, that we must flee
Spiritual Warfare: God wants you to Win
No reserves, no retreats, no regrets
Just Because God Has Said So
Our job is to make the invisible God visible
The Gospel That Would Make You Love Your Enemies
Love the Praise of God more than the Praise of Men
What God wants is not your performance but your heart
Two Gates, Two Ways, and Two Destinies
Profession will ultimately be tested before God
The Great Commission
The DNA of the Church
Sin Makes Us Poor but Grace Makes Us Rich
What you know about God shapes your understanding about your life
We Were Dead…But God
Where Christ is There is Peace
When You are Tired of Trying
Church is a Living Organism
Take Off The Graveclothes
A Christian is not sinless, but he does sin less -and less- and less!
Are You Living A Spirit Filled Life?
We do not fight for victory; we fight from victory
2019 Fall Sermon Series
How to Listen to God 1,2,3
Finding God's Will for Your Life
Broken Heroes Pointing to the True Hero
An Unlikely Deliverer
Deborah-God's Victories
Gideon Our Weakness; God Strength Part 1
Gideon Our Weakness; God Strength Part 2
Abimelech False King / True King
Jephthat Vow of Death / Vow of Life
Samson A God Who saves
The End of Judges
The Cross in the New Testament
“Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.” -
The Cross in the Book of Revelation
Because Jesus has Power over death, he has power over your sin and power to change your life
Meet Jesus: God in Human Flesh!
Do not Deny, Do not Rationalize,
But Confess Your Sin -
When you love the unloving, you get a glimpse of what God does for you
Some things are not worth loving
What will happen when both a sheep and a pig fall into a mud hole?
Love Like Christ
Genuine work of God is work of love
Exercise Your Faith
You can not reach the north
by traveling west -
Learning by Examples
Psalm 10 - Born to be Near to us
Psalm 2 - Born to be Anointed
Psalm 41 - Born to Be Betrayed
Psalm 22 - Born to be Forsaken
Psalm 24 - Born to be the King
See what others don’t and refuse to see what others do
God counters the cruelty of sinners with the loyalty of Jesus
You will never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have
Looking for an Enemy to Love
In Suffering There is Recovery